
Where To Stay

list of accommodation in Changlang District

Visitors of Changlang district can book Accommodation at following locations:

Sl.No. Name and Address of Accomodation Total available Rooms and teriff Booking Authority and Contact
CHANGLANG Headquarter
1. Circuit House, Changlang – 792120, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh 10 rooms (of 2 beds) Deputy Commissioner, Changlang District, Changlang – 792 120, Arunachal Pradesh, Phone: +91-3808-222221.
2. UD Guest House, Officer Colony, Changlang – 792120, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh 12 rooms including Executive Suites Runs by private party
3. Chatim Lodge
Near PK Point
DC Office Road
Changlang – 792120
Arunachal Pradesh

7 rooms (of two beds)

4 rooms – Rs 700 per room per night 2 rooms – Rs 800 per room per night 1 room – Rs 1200 per room per night

Contact: 03808-223734, 9402728563

4. Songru Home Stay
Officers Colony
Changlang – 792120
Arunachal Pradesh

3 rooms Contact: Marina Kenglang, 8794270283
1. Circuit House, Miao – 792122, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh 4 rooms ( of 2 beds ) Additional Deputy Commissioner, Miao – 792 122, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Phone: +91-3807-222245
2. Inspection Bungalow
Miao – 792122
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
6 rooms ( of 2 beds ) – do –
3. Eco-Tourist Forest Guest House
Miao – 792122
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
4 rooms – do –
4. Namdapha Jungle Camp,
An Eco-Camp Located by the Dehing river side
Miao – 792122
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
6 roomed cottages Contact: Proprietor: P. Singpho, 8974141614, 9863277747, 9436228763 (WhatsApp)
5. Dapha Valley Lodge (Tourist Lodge)
Located in Upper Miao
Miao – 792122
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
9 rooms Contact: Khuntang Mossang, 7628873299
6. Forest Guest House
Located at Upper Colony Miao
Miao – 792122
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
4 rooms Contact: K. Mipun, 8787759576
1. Forest Rest House
Deban, Namdapha National Park
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
4 rooms Additional Deputy Commissioner, Miao – 792 122, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Phone: +91-3807-222245
1. Inspection Bungalow Vijoynagar Changlang District Arunachal Pradesh 5 rooms Additional Deputy Commissioner, Miao – 792 122, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Phone: +91-3807-222245
1. Circuit House
Kharsang – 792122
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
  Circle Officer (CO), Kharsang – 792 122, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Phone: +91-3807-222245
1. Circuit House, Jairampur – 792121, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh   Additional Deputy Commissioner, Jairampur – 792 121, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Phone: +91-3800-222216
2. Inspection Bungalow 
Jairampur – 792121 
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
  – do –
1. Circuit House
Nampong – 792123
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
  Sub-Divisional Officer
Nampong – 792 123
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
Phone: +91-3800-264211
1. Circuit House
Manmao – 792121
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
4 rooms Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC)
Jairampur – 792 121
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
Phone: NA
1. Circuit House, Bordumsa – 792056, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh   Additional Deputy Commissioner, Bordumsa – 792056, Changlang District, Arunachal Pradesh, Phone: +91-3800-244222
1. Circuit House
Diyun – 792122
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
  Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC)
Diyun – 792 121
Changlang District
Arunachal Pradesh
Phone: 3800-244229

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