

Title Description Start Date End Date File
TENDER NOTICE – From the Executive Engineer, Hydro Power Division, Yatdam

The Executive Engineer, Yatdarn Hydro Power Division, Deptt. of Hydro Power Development, Yatdam invites sealed Items Rates tender on behalf of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh in PWD Form – 8 from the approved and eligible registered contractor in class – N category and above, domiciled within the territorial jurisdiction of 53 Changlang North (ST) Assembly Constituency as per the Govt. of A.P. Extraordinary gazette notification published on 13th April’ 2015 gazette No. 94 Vol-XXII.

  1. Name of Works: C/o Type-III quarter (G+I) 2 (two) Nos for EE, Power (E) & EE DHPD at Yatdam, Changlang
  2. Estimated cost – Rs 88,79,293/-
  3. Earnest Money – Rs 88,793/-
  4. Project completion time: 12 months
  5. Date and Time of issue of Tender documents: From 02/02/2024 to 08/02/2024; from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM
  6. Last Date and Time for submission of Tender Applications: 08/02/2024, 04:00 PM
  7. Date and Time for opening of Tenders: 08/02/2024, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
  8. Cost of Tender Paper: Rs 1,000

NOTE: The details of this Tender Notice may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith.

01/03/2024 31/03/2024 View (357 KB)

Sealed quotations are hereby invited from all suppliers of Changlang District for supply of office stationeries /furniture /computer & computer items /electric items /equipment and liveries of Group “D” staff and staff car Driver etc. for the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Changlang and other District Offices of Changlang District as per Annexure – “A” (enclosed page 1 to 5 Sl. No. 1 to 259) for the year 2023-2024. The quotation will be received in the office of the undersigned upto 12/02/2024.


  1. The rate including all taxes ( IGST, CGST & SGST) should be quoted for Changlang.
  2. The quotation should be addressed to the undersigned by designation and not by name. Quotation should be superscribed as “QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF STATIONERY /COMPUTER & COMPUTER ITEMS /ELECTRIC ITEMS /EQUIPMENT /FORMS /REGISTER & LIVERIES” etc.
  3. Rates quoted in the quotation will remain valid till issue of next order. Every supplier/firms has to produce GST Registration Certificate copy/Token of Trading license of the Firm with quotation else the quotation will be rejected.
  4. Quotation submitted in plain paper shall be rejected.
  5. An acceptance as laid down in the terms and conditions should also be enclosed with the quotations.
  6. Rate for each items against each band/marks should be given separately.
  7. This notice is only to fix an approved rate for all items by the Office of The Deputy Commissioner Changlang.

Note: The details of this Quotation Notice may be downloaded /viewed from the file link given herewith.

09/01/2024 29/02/2024 View (941 KB)
TENDER NOTICE – From the Executive Engineer, Hydro Power Division, Yatdam

The Executive Engineer, Yatdam Hydro Power Division, Department of Hydro Power Development, Yatdam invites sealed Items Rates tender on behalf of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh in PWD Form – 8 from the approved and eligible registered contractor in class – N category and above, domiciled within the territorial jurisdiction of S3-Changlang North (ST) Assembly Constituency as per the Govt. of A.P. Extraordinary gazette notification published on 13th April’ 2015 gazette No. 94 Vol -XXII.

  2. Estimated cost – Rs 1,31,47,974/-
  3. Project completion time: 12 months
  4. Date and Time of issue of Tender documents: From 11/12/2023, 10:00 AM to 20/12/2023, 04:00 PM
  5. Last Date and Time for submission of Tender Applications: 21/12/2023, 01:00 PM
  6. Date and Time for opening of Tenders: 21/12/2023, 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM
  7. Cost of Tender Paper: Rs 1,500

NOTE: The details of this Tender Notice may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith.

07/12/2023 31/12/2023 View (339 KB)
TENDER NOTICE – From the Executive Engineer (E), Yatdam Electrical Division, Department of Power, Yatdam

The Executive Engineer (E), Yatdam Electrical Division, Department of Power, Yatdam on behalf of his Excellency Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites bids from eligible and reputed contractors/ companies/ consortium for turnkey (Supply & Erection) execution of the following items of work:

  1. Augmentation of Switchyard Sub Station and control panel of LT feeder under Changlang Electrical Sub-Division. – Estimated cost – Rs 69,08,000/-
  2. Re-alignment of existing 11 KV line from Chonglnng lo Rima near Manmao Circle to avoid multiple Tirap river crossing under KESD. – Estimated cost – Rs 98,77,000/-
  3. Last Date and Time for sale of Tender documents: From 21/11/2023, 10:00 AM to 30/11/2023, 04:00 PM
  4. Last Date and Time for receipt of Applications: 30/11/2023, 02:00 PM

NOTE: The details of this Tender Notice may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith.

20/11/2023 05/12/2023 View (211 KB)
TENDER NOTICE – From Executive Engineer, PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang

The Executive Engineer, PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang on behalf of Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites package wise sealed item rate tender from the approved and eligible contractors registered with APPWD/ CPWD/ GREF/ BRO/ NHPC/ NEEPCO/ MES/ NBCC etc for execution of works given in Tender Notice attached herewith in the file link.

NB: The details of this Tender Notice such as Estimated cost, Earnest Money, Time of completion of the project, Sale/ Issue of Tender Papers, Last date & time of submission of tender papers, Date and time of opening of tender paper, Place of Dropping and Opening of Bids and other terms and conditions can be found in the View/ Download file link given herewith.

19/08/2023 18/09/2023 View (643 KB)
TENDER NOTICE – Construction of Sub-Divisional Office building, Approach road, Store, Boundary wall, Staff quarters under Budget Estimate (BE) 2023-24

The Executive Engineer, PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang on behalf of Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites package wise sealed item rate tender from the approved and eligible contractor registered with APPWD/CPWD/GREF/BRO/NHPC/NEEPCO/MES/NBCC etc. for execution of below mentioned works:

Design, Drawings & Construction of Sub-Divisional Office building, Approach road from main road to Office site, Sub-Divisional Store, Boundary wall around Sub-Divisional office complex, Type-IV Qtr, T-III Qtr, T-II Qtr & Bachelor Barrack for the package-wise works under Budget Estimate (BE) 2023-24 ( Territorial jurisdiction of Khimiyang Community Block (PACKAGE-I) )

    Terms and Conditions:

  1. The tender shall be submitted in two bids viz. Technical Bid and Financial Bid. Each of the bids shall be placed and sealed in separate cover and these two separate sealed bids should be further sealed in a single envelope and mailed by registered post or may be dropped in the tender box so as to reach the undersigned on or before the stipulated date & time.
  2. The tender paper can be collected from the Office of the undersigned on any working day in between 1000 Hrs to 1600 Hrs on payment of ₹2000/- (Rupees Two thousand) only in cash or in the shape of D.D./B.C. (Non-Refundable) in favour of the Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division, Changlang payable at State Bank of India, Changlang Branch, Changlang. Further, if the Office happens to be closed on the date of the opening of the tenders as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
  3. Other detailed Special Terms & Conditions can be seen in the bidding documents (Technical Bid).
  4. The Bidders should be registered Contractors in Class-II to V categories domiciled within the territorial Jurisdiction of respective Community Block as per the “Arunachal Pradesh District based Entrepreneurs and Professionals (Incentives, Development and Promotional) Act’2015 & Ammendment Act’2020” and Biding limit of the contractors shall be governed as per the Arunachal Pradesh Enlistment of Contractor in Works Department Rules 2008 and latest Amendment made by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh from time to time.
  5. The General Condition of Contract booklet will not be issued along with the Tender Documents but the same shall form Part of the Agreement to be drawn and Signed by both the parties after acceptance of Tender. The intending Bidder must read the General Conditions of Contract -2014 or its latest edition. He/She should only submit their Bid if he/she agrees the terms and conditions.
  6. The undersigned reserves the right to Reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.

Note: The details of this Tender Notice such as Earnest Money, Time of completion of the projects, Sale/ Issue of Tender Papers, Last date and time of submission of tender papers, Date and Time of opening of the tender papers, and Place of Dropping and Opening of Bids may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith

18/07/2023 18/08/2023 View (649 KB)
TENDER NOTICE – Design, Drawings & Construction of Clear Water Reservoirs and Overhead water tanks

The Executive Engineer, PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang on behalf of Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites package wise sealed item rate tender from the approved and eligible contractor registered with APPWD/CPWD/GREF/BRO/NHPC/NEEPCO/MES/NBCC etc. for execution of following mentioned works:

    For Improvement of Water Supply at Changlang Township:

  • Construction of Clear Water Reservoir: 2 Nos. and
  • Construction of Over Head Tank: 2 Nos.
  • Earnest Money: Rs 74,964/- (APST); 1,49,928/- (Non-APST)
  • Time of completion of the projects: 180 days
  • Sale/ Issue of Tender Papers: 14-07-2023 to 28-07-2023 (1200 hrs)
  • Last date and time of submission of tender papers: 28-07-2023 (1500 hrs)
  • Date and Time of opening of the tender papers: 29/07/2023 (1030 hrs)
  • Place of Dropping and Opening of Bids: Office of Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division, Changlang – 792120, Arunachal Pradesh

Note: The details of this Tender Notice may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith

13/07/2023 31/07/2023 View (645 KB)
TENDER NOTICE from Yatdam Hydro Power Division, Changlang

The Executive Engineer, Yatdam Hydro Power Division, Department of Hydro Power Development, Yatdam invites sealed Items Rates tender on behalf of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh in PWD Form – 8 from the approved and eligible registered contractor in class – IV category and above, domiciled within the territorial jurisdiction of 53-Changlang North(ST) Assembly Constituency as per the Government of Arunachal Pradesh Extraordinary gazette notification published on 13th April’ 2015 gazette No. 94 Vol-:X:XII for “Digitalization & updating of Panel including HT control and Protection system of Hydels under Yatdam Hydro Power Division.”

Tender documents will be issued to eligible contractors between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm from 17/03/2023 to 20/03/2023 every working day except Sunday and Public Holidays from the office of the Executive Engineer, Yatdarn Hydro Power Division, Department of Hydro Power Development, Yatdam for a non refundable fee as indicated in the table – Col-5 (in the Tender Notice attached herewith in the link) in the form of cash or demand draft on any scheduled bank payable at State Bank India, Changlang in favour of The Executive Engineer, Yatdam Hydro Power Division, Department of Hydro Power Development, Yatdam provided they produce definite proof of registration/proof from the appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of competent authority.

NB: The details of the Tender Notice can be viewed/ downloaded from the File link given herewith

16/03/2023 21/03/2023 View (2 MB)
Auction Notice – Vehicle (Maruti Gypsy Soft Top)

Sealed quotation is hereby invited for sale of the following vehicle by public auction. The particulars of condemned vehicles is furnished below:

Sl.No Registration No Type of Vehicle Reserved price Quotation receiving last date
1 AR-12-0039 MARUTI GYPSY (Soft Top) Rs 64,267/- November 08, 2022; up to 1200 Hrs.

NB: The details of this Auction Notice may be viewed / downloaded from the Link given herewith

18/10/2022 08/11/2022 View (1 MB)
TENDER NOTICE under PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang

The Executive Engineer, PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang on behalf of Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites package wise sealed item rate tender from the approved and eligible contractor registered with APPWD/ CPWD/ GREF/ BRO/ NHPC/ NEEPCO/ MES/ NBCC or any other similar organizations for execution of works as given in the Tender Notice in the File link given herewith.

  • Sale/Issue of Tender Paper: From July 29, 2022 to August 11, 2022 (till 1200 Hrs.)
  • Last Date and Time for submission of Tender Papers: August 12, 2022 (till 1500 Hrs.)

NB: The details of the Tender Notice can be viewed/ downloaded from the File link given herewith

29/07/2022 31/08/2022 View (2 MB)