

Title Description Start Date End Date File
CIRCULAR – A camp for the Divyan beneficiaries is being scheduled on September 25, 2023 at Circuit House, Changlang

This is for general Information of all concerned that, District Administration in collaboration with Deputy Director (ICDS), Changlang and NILD Kolkata is going to conduct a camp for the Divyan beneficiaries to be scheduled on 25th September (Monday) at 1000 Hrs at Multipurpose Hall at Circuit House, Changlang. The basic feature of this camp is as under:

  1. Age – No bar
  2. Eligibility -Open to all
  3. Aids for Divyang beneficiaries to be distributed, i.e.,
    1. Hearing aid for hearing impaired
    2. Sensor sticks for visually impaired
    3. Tricycle/ Crutches / Wheel Chairs for locomotive disability
    4. Necessary counselling and provision of TLM tools for Autistic / Cerebral Palsy Divyangs
    5. Artificial limbs for cases with loss of limbs.
  4. List of documents needed to avail the benefits:
    1. Aadhar Card
    2. Disability Certificate
    3. Income certificate of the beneficiaries or his/her guardian In case the beneficiary is unemployed
    4. Two passport size photo
    5. Mobile No.

Beneficiaries have to produce a photocopy of all above mentioned documents to avail the benefits. Those willing to register for this camp may contact: Deputy Director ICDS (7085115016).

NB: The details of this Circular may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith

12/09/2023 30/09/2023 View (527 KB)
TENDER NOTICE – From Executive Engineer, PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang

The Executive Engineer, PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang on behalf of Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites package wise sealed item rate tender from the approved and eligible contractors registered with APPWD/ CPWD/ GREF/ BRO/ NHPC/ NEEPCO/ MES/ NBCC etc for execution of works given in Tender Notice attached herewith in the file link.

NB: The details of this Tender Notice such as Estimated cost, Earnest Money, Time of completion of the project, Sale/ Issue of Tender Papers, Last date & time of submission of tender papers, Date and time of opening of tender paper, Place of Dropping and Opening of Bids and other terms and conditions can be found in the View/ Download file link given herewith.

19/08/2023 18/09/2023 View (643 KB)
Results of the Walk-in-interview for post of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Instructors (contractual)

Final results of the Walk-in-interview for post of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Instructor (contractual) for elementary & Secondary School level under Quality Intervention (ICT and Digital Initiatives) Samagra Shiksha/lSSE Scheme 2023-24 conducted on 03/07/23 & 04/7/23 at DC office Changlang. The selected and waiting list candidates may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith.

The selected candidates are directed to collect the appointment order on 21/07/2023 from DDSE office during office hour. Further, they are directed to report to their place of posting within 7 (seven) days.

NB: The details of Walk-in-Interview results may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith.

18/07/2023 31/08/2023 View (547 KB)
Results of the Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty under MMSK scheme

Final results of the Walk – in – interview for Guest Faculty under MMSK scheme conducted on 27th July/2023 at DC’s Office, Changlang. The selected and waiting list is given as follows:

Selected Candidates for PGT (Maths):

  1. Mr Nyage Nacho

Selected Candidates for TGT (Maths):

  1. Lintu Sen
  2. Ms Sumbi Modi
  3. Ms Jupitara Bhattachajya

Waiting List TGT (Masths):

  1. Mr Singwa Singpho

The selected candidate are directed to collect their engagement order on 31st July/2023 from DDSE’s Office, Changlang during office hour. Further, they are directed to report to the place of posting on 1st Aug/2023 positively.

NB: The details of this Results Notice may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith

27/07/2023 31/08/2023 View (110 KB)
TENDER NOTICE – Construction of Sub-Divisional Office building, Approach road, Store, Boundary wall, Staff quarters under Budget Estimate (BE) 2023-24

The Executive Engineer, PHE & Water Supply Division, Changlang on behalf of Governor of Arunachal Pradesh invites package wise sealed item rate tender from the approved and eligible contractor registered with APPWD/CPWD/GREF/BRO/NHPC/NEEPCO/MES/NBCC etc. for execution of below mentioned works:

Design, Drawings & Construction of Sub-Divisional Office building, Approach road from main road to Office site, Sub-Divisional Store, Boundary wall around Sub-Divisional office complex, Type-IV Qtr, T-III Qtr, T-II Qtr & Bachelor Barrack for the package-wise works under Budget Estimate (BE) 2023-24 ( Territorial jurisdiction of Khimiyang Community Block (PACKAGE-I) )

    Terms and Conditions:

  1. The tender shall be submitted in two bids viz. Technical Bid and Financial Bid. Each of the bids shall be placed and sealed in separate cover and these two separate sealed bids should be further sealed in a single envelope and mailed by registered post or may be dropped in the tender box so as to reach the undersigned on or before the stipulated date & time.
  2. The tender paper can be collected from the Office of the undersigned on any working day in between 1000 Hrs to 1600 Hrs on payment of ₹2000/- (Rupees Two thousand) only in cash or in the shape of D.D./B.C. (Non-Refundable) in favour of the Executive Engineer, PHE & WS Division, Changlang payable at State Bank of India, Changlang Branch, Changlang. Further, if the Office happens to be closed on the date of the opening of the tenders as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
  3. Other detailed Special Terms & Conditions can be seen in the bidding documents (Technical Bid).
  4. The Bidders should be registered Contractors in Class-II to V categories domiciled within the territorial Jurisdiction of respective Community Block as per the “Arunachal Pradesh District based Entrepreneurs and Professionals (Incentives, Development and Promotional) Act’2015 & Ammendment Act’2020” and Biding limit of the contractors shall be governed as per the Arunachal Pradesh Enlistment of Contractor in Works Department Rules 2008 and latest Amendment made by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh from time to time.
  5. The General Condition of Contract booklet will not be issued along with the Tender Documents but the same shall form Part of the Agreement to be drawn and Signed by both the parties after acceptance of Tender. The intending Bidder must read the General Conditions of Contract -2014 or its latest edition. He/She should only submit their Bid if he/she agrees the terms and conditions.
  6. The undersigned reserves the right to Reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.

Note: The details of this Tender Notice such as Earnest Money, Time of completion of the projects, Sale/ Issue of Tender Papers, Last date and time of submission of tender papers, Date and Time of opening of the tender papers, and Place of Dropping and Opening of Bids may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith

18/07/2023 18/08/2023 View (649 KB)
Notice Inviting Applications for “ATMA NIRBHAR MATSYA PALAN YOJANA (ANMPY) 2023-24”

In pursuance to the Deputy Commissioner, Changlang Order No.CFD/ANMPY/2022-23, Dated 19th June 2023, the application in prescribed format is invited from the interested individual, farmers, SHGs and farmers producers’ organization (FPO) of Changlang district, Arunachal Pradesh for availing the Government of Arunachal Pradesh Flagship scheme with front ended credit link subsidy scheme ATMA NIRBHAR MATSYA PALAN YOJANA (ANMPY) 2023-24. The application form can be obtain during the office working hour from the office of District fisheries Development officer, Changlang, Circle headquarters of Assistant fisheries Officer and Fishery demonstrators. The duly filled up and completed application form attached with necessary document may be submitted to the office of the AFO and FD of the concern circle on or before 20th of July 2023 till 1700 hrs.

The screening of the application of the beneficiaries will be done by the circle / sub-division level screening committee (CLSC / SDLSC) at the circle / Sub- divisional level and district level screening committee (DLSC) at the district level respectively for the final selection of the beneficiaries as per the prescribed guidelines and allocation of fund to the Changlang district.

NB: The details of this notice including eligibility criteria, brief guidelines, application format may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith.

19/06/2023 31/07/2023 View (2 MB)
Notice Inviting Applications for availing the government financial assistance scheme to fish farmers for procurement of farm tools and machineries

In pursuance to the Deputy Commissioner, Changlang Order No. CFD/FARM MECHINERIES/2023-24, dated Changlang the 19th June 2023, the application in prescribed format is invited from the interested fish farmers, SHGs and farmers producers’ organization (FPO) of Changlang district, Arunachal Pradesh for availing the government of Arunachal Pradesh financial assistance scheme to fish farmers for procurement of farm machineries/ equipments, particularly pump set, drag net and grass cutter machine (60% subsidy) under BE 2023-24. The application form can be obtain during the office working hour from the office of District fisheries Development officer, Changlang, Circle headquarters of Assistant fisheries Officer and Fishery demonstrators. The duly filled up and completed application form attached with necessary document may be submitted to the office of the AFO and FD of the concern circle on or before 5th July 2023 till 1700 hrs.

The screening of the application of the beneficiaries will be done by district level screening committee (DLSC) for the final selection of the beneficiaries as per the prescribed guidelines and allocation of fund to the Changlang district.

NB: The details of this notice including eligibility criteria, brief guidelines, application format may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith.

23/06/2023 31/07/2023 View (1 MB)
The Walk-in-Interview of Guest Faculties (Mathematics) will be held on July 27, 2023

The Walk-in-Interview of Guest Faculties (Mathematics) will be held on July 27, 2023.

Therefore, all the following eligible candidates are hereby informed to report at DC’s Office, Changlang at 10.30 hrs alongwith original documents.

    Eligible Candidates for PGT (Maths)

  1. Mr Nyage Nacho
  2. Ms Ome Moyong
    Eligible Candidates for TGT (Maths)

  1. Mr Lintu Sen
  2. Ms Sumbi Modi
  3. Ms Jupitara Bhattachajya
  4. Ms Orne Moyong
  5. Mr Singwa Singpho

NB: The details of this Notice may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith

24/07/2023 31/07/2023 View (523 KB)
Results of Walk-in-Interview under “Mukhya Mantri Shiksha Kosh” Scheme

The Results of Walk – in – interview for Guest Faculty under “Mukhya Mantri Shiksha Kosh” Scheme conducted on 26th June/2023 at DC’s Office, Changlang has been declared. The selected and Waiting list candidates details may be Viewed / Downloaded from the file link given herewith.

The selected candidates are directed to collect their engagement orders from DDSE Office, Changlang during office hour on June 28, 2023. Further, they are directed to report to the place of posting on July 01, 2023 positively.

NB: The details of Walk-in-Interview results may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith.

27/06/2023 26/07/2023 View (2 MB)
ADVERTISEMENT – Walk-in-Interview for filling up 16 (sixteen) posts of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Instructor

Application are hereby invited for Walk-in-Interview from the bona-fide citizens of India possessing requisite educational qualification, for filling up 16 (sixteen) posts of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Instructor under Quality Intervention (ICT and Digital Initiatives) Samagra Shiksha / ISSE Scheme 2023-24.

Application form can be obtained from the office of DDSE, Changlang District, during office hour on payment of Rs. 100/- w.e.f June 24 to June 28, 2023. Scrutiny of application will be done on June 29, 2023 and the list of eligible candidates will displayed in the office notice board on the same day after 4:00 pm. The Walk-in-Interview / Viva Voice/ Computer Skill test will be held on July 03 and July 04, 2023 tentatively. And no separate call letter will be issue to eligible candidates.

NB: The details of this Advertisement may be viewed / downloaded from the file link given herewith where, the details of minimum education qualification requirements, age limit, mode of selection, etc are given in it.

23/06/2023 23/07/2023 View (1 MB)