Changlang town is the administrative headquarters of Changlang District. The population of Changlang District consists of Tangsa, Tutsa, Singpho, Nokte and the Lisu tribes along with Deoris, Tibetans and Chakma and Hajong refugees. Tangsa, Singphos and Tutsa are the native tribes of Changlang District. Tangsas reside in the south-eastern Patkai Bum Hills of the Indo-Myanmar Border, Singphos on the plains towards the north of Changlang and Tutsas occupy the western part of Changlang.
Changlang had been famous for Teacher’s Training Institute since NEFA (North East Frontier Agency) time after country’s Independence. Training Institute was called Bunyadi Shiksha Bhawan (BSB) and only the teachers training institute in whole of the NEFA, now Arunachal Pradesh. The institute was imparting training to teachers of primary and upper primary level only.