Changlang district is having 362 Villages, 3 Statutory Towns and 17 Administrative Circles with a total population of 1,48,226 persons out of which 76,948 Males and 71,278 Females As per Provisional population 2011 Census. The sex ratio indicates 926 Females per 1000 Males. The literate population is recorded as 59.80 percent of the total population. The decadal growth rate of the population during 2001-2011 is recorded 18.18 % for the district.
During 1981 census population of the area was 62,211 persons. The figure has gone up to 95,530 persons during 1991 census and in 2001 census, it is 1,25,334 persons. This reveals an increase of 33,319 persons (53.56 percent) in 1981-1991 and 29,804 (31.20 percent) during 1991-2001. This is really an abnormal growth. The District in not predominantly inhabited by the Arunachal Pradesh scheduled Tribe population. Although during the fifties and sixties the indigenous tribal formed the majority, the ratio of tribal population to the total population has declined after seventies. The proportion of Arunachal Pradesh tribal population in 1981 and 1991 were 36.02 percent and 35.60 percent respectively of the total population. It is generally accepted that the abnormal growth of population in the district has been caused not by natural growth but due to sharp increase in non-tribal population by immigration from Bangladesh, Nepal and Tibet. There has been influx of vast number of Chakma and Hajong refugees from Bangladesh, which remained a continuous influx till today. Other reasons for high growth rate are migration of labour forces from other neighbouring states and establishment of Government offices, institutions and industries in the District.
The district Headquarter, Changlang and Sub-Divisional Headquarter Jairampur and Miao are declared as urban and whereas, rest of the area of the district are still considered as rural.
Demographic Label | Value |
Area | 4,662 Sq Km |
No. of Revenue Disivions | 4 |
No. of Circle | 17 |
No. of Revenue Mandals | 0 (0 Rural + 0 Urban) |
No. of Mandal Praja Parishads | 0 |
No. of Gram Panchayats | NA |
No. of Municipalities | 0 |
No. of Municipal Corporations | 0 |
No. of Census | NA |
No. of Villages | 362 |